
Does England have the 4th of July?

Happy 4th of July everyone that reads our blog (mom and susan)! Lee and I chose to stay in Cache Valley to celebrate Independence day, and we were not disappointed. Great fireworks up here! And I found our stash of sPaRkLeRs we used at our reception (we had about 200 left) and we had some fun. Tomorrow (the real 4th, although Cache Valleyers strecth the celebration for like 3 years...(or days)) we head down to Hyrum for some carnival, parade, and firework fun!! And then back to the old life on Tuesday. But tonight we'll remember forever! (becuase i'm posting all the pictures on this blog)
enjoy. we did.


  1. Love the sparklers! Nathan didn't know what to do with his. You need to update this more. We don't get to see you anymore so keep the posts coming. Miss you and wish you were here!! Love ya. :)

  2. So FUN!!! Looks like y'all had a GREAT time!
